Use of Ecotomycorrhizal fungi on Reforestation of pine forest in Vietnam
Lam Dong
The Mushroom Initiative Limited (Hong Kong)
2019 to 2022
Collaborator(s) / Partner(s):
Đa Nhim Forest Enterprise, Tay Nguyen Institute of Scientific Research, Institute of Mushroom and Biotechnology, University of Science - Vietnam National University Ho Chi Minh city
General Objectives:
- To promote using mycorrhizal fungi for reforestation
- To educate local communitiesin reforestation and sustained living with native forest with the set up of the sustainable reforestation model
Specific Objectives:
- Investigating the ECM fungal community structures in 3 stages of reforestation of P. kesiya: nursery, immature and mature forest.
- Investigating the ECM fungal successive occurrence in mature forest of P. kesiya.
- Rehabilitating the P. kesiyaforest in first stage (3-4 years) in the model areas (2 plots of 1 and 2 hectares) with mycorrhizal fungi.