Webinar: Conservation Shorebirds in Vietnam

Migratory waterbirds are among the most threatened bird species in the Asia-Pacific region. Each year, tens of millions of migratory birds travel along the East Asian-Australasian Flyway connecting the wetlands of northern Asia with Southeast Asia, including here in Vietnam, and with Australia. Rapid development across Asia has however driven the loss of large areas of coastal wetlands, resulting in the drastic decline of many waterbird species. Some of the most threatened shorebirds in our region, such as the Spoon-billed Sandpiper, use Vietnam’s wetlands on their migration, with the Mekong Delta known to host the most important congregations in the country. 

The East Asian-Australasian Flyway Partnership, which Vietnam is a partner to, the Ramsar Convention, and other regional stakeholders recognise importance of conserving wetlands for migratory shorebirds to strengthen ecological connectivity, and to promote wise use of natural resources. 

The objectives of this Webinar are to: 

  1. Share knowledge on the distribution, threats, and conservation status of the migratory shorebirds in the Vietnamese Mekong Delta.
  2. Identify and discuss priority sites for migratory waterbirds and wetland protection in the Vietnamese Mekong Delta, in relation to the Mekong Delta Sustainable Development Plan.
  3. Discuss priority actions and activities for the conservation of migratory waterbirds, especially the threatened Spoon-billed Sandpiper in Vietnam.

Please register via https://tinyurl.com/b4a87a8t

Download program here (tentative agenda)



Satutday 9th October 2021 · 9.00-10.30 am GMT+7 (ICT)


Time (ICT)

Length (mins)






8:57 – 9:00


Start letting attendees in

Need to ensure that the chat function for attendees is managed

9:00 – 9:03


Opening comments and introduction

Nguyen Hoai Bao & 

Ding Li Yong



BirdLife International 


9:03 – 9:08


Opening remark

Dr. Hoang Thi Thanh Nhan

Deputy director

Biodiversity Conservation Agency (BCA), Vietnam Environment Administration (VEA)

Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment(MONRE)


9:08 – 9:23


Vietnam’s Government prioritisation of work for migratory birds

Nguyen Thi Van Anh

Coordinator of  Wildlife Partnership project


Overview of the BCA/MONRE planned actions for wetlands and migratory birds


9:23 – 9:53


Introduction of Mekong Delta’s coastal wetlands, importance to migratory birds in Vietnam and the work of the Mekong Shorebird Project

Nguyen Hoai Bao


University of Science, Vietnam National University HCM city (VNUHCM)

Keynote speaker

9:53 – 10:03


Spoon-billed Sandpiper conservation in Southeast Asia


Sayam Chowdhury 

Assistant Coordinator

Spoon-billed Sandpiper Task Force


10:03 – 10:13


Petition for migratory birds and coastal wetland conservation from Mekong delta, Vietnam

Do Doan Hoang

Environmental Journalist


Bao Dan Viet


10:13 – 10:28


Questions and answers

Hoang Thi Thanh Nhan, Nguyen Hoai Bao, Do Doan Hoang & Sayam Chowdhury (supported by Yong Ding Li)


10:28 – 10:30


Closing comments

Do Doan Hoang & Yong Ding Li 

Buffer 10 mins in case the QnA exceeds the allocated time