New Book: Birding guide to Vietnam, Laos and Cambodia

In oder to bring birding information of Indochinese countries to Birdfair UK 2014, Vietnam Wildlife Tours & Research has prepared this booklet. It is including all best birding spots in Vietnam, Laos and Cambodia. Each birding site, we put accommodation available, transportation and key bird species. In the end, you will have a list of endemic species that all birders want to see when they visit the region. The hard copy has Bird-checklist and is free available at our office, for those who could not visit the office, please email us and give us your address, we will then ship it to you for free.

Download printable PDF copy here or request for printed copy


birding info for vietnam, laos and cambodia
Birding Vietnam - Laos - Cambodia Booklet cover
Page insde the booklet


Another example page
Maps for birding sites